Wednesday, May 25, 2005

"I'm a little divided. Do I stay or run away, and leave it all behind?"

Ah, to be a fighter of foo.

So, this is me.

Joe Posted by Hello

In exactly 16 days, I will be moving. It is also a strange feeling. I went away to college in Boston when I was 17. (Boston College... go Eagles!). I majored in history. And specialized in having fun. There wasn't much employment in either my major or my specialty, so I did what thousands of other college grads do every year when they can't figure out what to do with their lives. I went to law school. (your back-to-back National Champions, University of Southern California... except I was with the varsity dork team at the law school.)

After law school, which I loathed, I moved back to my hometown in Wisconsin.

In exactly 6 days, I will quit my job. It is a strange feeling. I have worked there for ten years, and I actually am an owner of the business, which makes quitting a little more complicated. I am a lawyer (at least for the next six days), and I am a full partner in a law firm that bears my name (at least for the next six days).

This is my lovely child bride, India.

India Posted by Hello

No, I didn't get her from a mail-order catalog. Yes, I know she's gorgeous. And smart. And funny. And talented.

No, I have no idea what she is doing with me.

We decided to pack up our two senior citizen dogs, and our two cats and move to Bozeman, Montana.


Puck, a/k/a Puck Doggy Dogg, a/k/a PDiddy, a/k/a Lumpy Rutherford, a/k/a The Carpet Pissing Chinaman:

The fam-damily, except the cats:


To live off the fat of the land.

To become a shepherd.

To start a band.

To start a militia, build a fortified compound and fly the flag upside down outside our house.

To snowboard til my legs fall off.

To hone my grizzly-fighting skills.

To support Pedro's presidency.

Hhey, man... there is a beverage here!


Blogger Jimmyboy said...

Extremely delusional but yet invigorating! You may be on to something my boy.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Jimmyboy, you rock

8:41 AM  

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