Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Help, I need somebody. Help, not just anybody.

Housekeeping Question... I need your input

Is anyone having trouble loading this page?

I had a comment about the large size of the pictures, and that it may take a while for the page to load for people with dial-up. I can try to cut down on the number of pictures I post to make downloading smoother, or I can try to make the pictures smaller, which is currently out of my limited skill set. Now, if I were a Liger, known for my skills and magic...

The other thing I could do is cut down on the number of posts visible on the page. I am loath to do this, because I am getting a lot of new readers who will want to check out more posts at once. (All the old posts are archived off on the right side, toward the bottom. Just click and search if you want to see some older posts.)

#1 Let me know in the comment portion if you are having trouble or not loading the page.

#2 Let me know if you want me to cut down on the number of posts visible on the page.

Don't worry, you can leave anonymous feedback in the comment section without registering. Thanks.


Blogger Jimmyboy said...

One comment is you mentioned a bike in your previous posts. I was wondering if you have ever taken it off of any sweet jumps? And if you have could you post some sweet pictures of you getting like three feet of air?

7:21 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

Of course I'd vote for you, Jim. You're good at picking up chicks, you have a sweet bike, and you're the only guy in school who can grow a mustache.

8:14 AM  
Blogger Jimmyboy said...

Gramma called and said it's time for you to leave and quit ruining our lives!

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, love the blog, but having trouble seeing any of the new pictures. And I'm at work with a high speed connection - can't imagine it on dialup... All I can see after leaving it open for an hour is the two madison pictures at the bottom. Though sometimes I'll get one or two pictures. Other than that, just a bunch of small boxes with red X's. You may want to try to do a weekly or daily archive instead of a monthly archive. This option is located in blogger under settings-archiving. Another option is, as you said, to make the pictures smaller. To do this, there is a resize setting in photobucket under edit - you can drop to 25%, 50%, or 75% the original size. Doing it in photobucket won't screw up the original pictures if you ever want to print them off your computer. Try dropping them all and seeing if it makes a difference. Good luck. I look forward to actually seeing the pictures. If I have some more time, I'll take a look at this some other time. Good luck. Ashton

2:03 PM  

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