Sunday, September 25, 2005

And I listen for the voice inside my head...
I'll do this one myself.

Sometimes, I will jot down an idea for a post on a scrap of paper. More often than not, the idea wasn't that good, and when I look at it later, I ask myself what I was thinking.

Occasionally, it is incomprehensible gibberish. Rarely, it is a lightning bolt of pure genius.

I found a piece of paper that says, in my handwriting:


Bacon Fries?

If that isn't a lightning bolt of pure genius, I don't know what is.

Bacon fries.

Rejoice, indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't waste your time on me you're already a voice inside my head....thasa good song. Dragon.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm, bacon fries. Reminds me of Pig Candy:
Bacon (several strips)
Brown Sugar (enough to coat strips of bacon)

1. Coat uncooked bacon in some dark brown sugar.
2. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

I am not making this up. From “The Sweet Potato Queens' Big-Ass Cookbook and Financial Planner,” by Jill Conner Browne.

3:12 PM  

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