Thursday, September 01, 2005

Communication breakdown, it's always the same.

So, I was in an office building today, and I had to take a leak.

I went to the bathroom, and there was a urinal and a stall.

There was an older guy using the urinal, so I went into the stall.

As soon as I got into the stall, the guy introduced himself,

"Hi. Lloyd Mandeville."

Now, I think this is a bit weird. Friendly, certainly. But still weird, so I say,

"Hi, I'm Joe!"

Then, my new friend Lloyd said, "Is the property still available? Because I would like to take someone through it."

My brow furrowed in confusion. There was a pause.

"Are there renters?"

By now, I have realized the guy is talking on a hands-free cell phone while he is peeing.

I begin to laugh, hard enough to cause difficulty with my aim.

Apparently, I am not as skilled at multi-tasking as Lloyd.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one was too good to let made me think of Lloyd Mandeville multi-tasking (ew!)and snarf coffee up my nose.

As a long time Bozemanite, I enjoy your perspective on our little slice of heaven.

9:59 AM  

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