Friday, September 02, 2005

I hanker for a hunka.. a slab or slice or chunka... I hanker for a hunka cheese.

Anybody remember that guy? Kinda the poor cousin of the hipper Schoolhouse Rock cartoons.

I just wanted to report that, like George Costanza, I am currently eating cheese, Summer of George-style.

I have a chunk of Pesto Jack.

No plate, no knife.

No crackers.

Just gnawing off the block.

Alas, circumstances dictate that I limit my breach of decorum, so, regrettably, I am not shirtless as I eat my cheese, caveman-style.

I fear the Summer of Joe may be at the end.

However, I refuse to go gently into that good night.

Cheese in hand, I will rage, rage against the dying of the light.

My goal for tomorrow will be to never put on pants. That's exactly what I'll do.

I declare it Pantless Saturday.

I am gonna LIVE DAMMIT!! LIVE!!!!!!


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