Thursday, September 08, 2005

Substitution, mass confusion, clouds inside your head

I drove past the post office and saw the flag was at half mast.

I noticed the flag at the Chamber of Commerce across the street was at full mast.

I was curious.

I tried to think of who might merit the half-mast flag.

I am ashamed to say the first person I could think of who died was Gilligan, a/k/a Li'l Buddy, a/k/a Bob Denver, who brought joy to millions over the years with his antics on the desert island.

After wrinkling my brow, and thinking some more, I thought "New Orleans?"

No, they don't do that for cities.


Oh yeah, him. Mr. Chief Justice.

I thought it was a nice indication of how far removed I am from my former career as a lawyer.

It definitely feels longer than three months and eight days.

Nonetheless, all that time has passed and I still cannot hula hoop or play the didgeridoo. Yes, I actually own a didgeridoo.


Blogger Andi said...

What is a didgeridoo???

Could the flags also by lowered for Rehnquist...they should have been....whether one agrees with him politically or not-he put a lot of his life effort into serving our country.

Did we lower the flags for September 11???

8:09 PM  
Blogger Andi said...

Jimmy D-
Are you going to have a blog sometime???

8:11 PM  

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