Thursday, October 06, 2005

If you call her on the telephone and she answers long and slow, grab the first thing smoking and you have to haul her home. That's evil.

I used to be somebody.

According to the infallible standards set forth by one Navin R. Johnson, I could wake up in the morning, walk downstairs and point to tangible evidence that "I am somebody!"

Yes, I was in the phone book. I really was somebody. In fact, I was really somebody. My name, my number and even my picture were in not one, not two, not three, but TEN phone books.

But quitting my job, moving and using voice over internet protocol (and not opting not to spend umpteen thousands of dollars on Yellow Pages advertising containing the picture above and "Dude For Hire"--- I just don't think it will pay off), I have simply ceased to be. *Sniff*

I look forward to the day when I can run into the house screaming, "THE NEW PHONE BOOKS ARE HERE!! THE NEW PHONE BOOKS ARE HERE!!!"

Then, and only then, will I feel like I have acheived something. Until then, I will curl up with my memories, and the old phone book. And this ashtray. That's all I need. And this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need. And this remote control. The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need.


Blogger shy_smiley said...

You know, I think what you've done is an incredibly brave thing to do. Not that it compares, but one reason I relate to your blog and the happenings in your life is that I, too, recently quit the job I've held for 11 years to pursue a new career. Ya gotta be ballsy to stop what you were doing---especially if you were GOOD at it, and it sounds like you were---to follow a dream.

"I used to be somebody" is a far cry from "I could have been somebody"

7:39 AM  

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