Thursday, October 06, 2005

Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb? Mother, do you think they'll like this song?

Just a little snippet to give you some idea from whence I came...

Sometimes mothers clip little articles out of the hometown papers and send them to their kids. Maybe your friend got married. Maybe your old babysitter died.

But my mom?

Well, she is a different breed.

In college, she sent me a blurb from the local paper... No, it wasn't a wedding announcement. No, it wasn't a note that one of my friends made Dean's List.

It was a quaint little piece about a guy who was arrested for fucking a chicken in his front yard.

I swear to God.

Naturally, I laughed my ass off, and showed it to all my friends, who said, "Your mom sent you that?"

"Um yeah, she's one of a kind."

(Later, when my roommates would try the "he's at the library" excuse when she called, they would inevitably hear, "Yeah, right. Where is he really?" Eventually, my friend the Wave would take to saying things like, "There is a Roman Orgy happening... I think he is with the Emperor. Or maybe the vomitorium. Let me check." My mom loved the Wave.)

The best part about that lovely, little news story is that the guy was in his front yard. Maybe it was one of those, "I-love-this-damn-chicken-and-I-want-the-whole-world-to-know-it" moments. We all have those moments, right?*

*We here at The Dude Abides do not endorse chicken fucking. We simply understand the need to occasionally proclaim one's Love to the world. But more in an "I-love-my-dead-gay-son!" kind of way than in the chicken-fucking-in-the-yard way.

I had better stop now.


Welcome to the Dude Abides, India, Australia, Israel, the Czech Republic and Tanzania(!)... what you get out of this, I will never know.

But a definite shout-out to Bristol, U.K. Things are blowing up over there.


Blogger Jimmyboy said...

Was his name Gonzo?

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice reference to Heathers. Good flick. Dragon drops in.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's blowing up in Bristol?

I miss all the fun.....


3:06 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

the dude abides is blowing up in Bristol!

You're not the only one there reading!

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to shit all over your amazment that numerous countries are visiting your site, but I believe it has to do with the blogspot toolbar at the top of the screen.

Clicking "next blog" will provide a user with a member's completely random blog. I have clicked this and have seen all sorts of fucked up chinese scrawling and unidentifiable character sets.

This is most likely the root cause of your international popularity.

[end taking a squidbilly dump on your parade]


5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's interesting Joe, but I doubt it's anybody I know. I live outside of Bristol anyway and it's a big place.

But it's a small world :)

4:12 AM  

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