Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mama said knock you out

Ahhhh. 5 inches of fresh snow. Big Sky only has 40% of skiable terrain open, so I don't feel too terrible about getting on a plane to Minneapolis today.

Would I rather snowboard than fly to Minneapolis?

Mmmmmm, yeah.

But Big Sky isn't going anywhere for a few weeks.

We tried to watch Million Dollar Baby last night. More accurately, my sister and India watched it, while I tried... but failed. I was fading, and by the time she tried to bite her tongue off, I fell asleep and missed Clint Eastwood's struggle with his decision.

By the way, the attempt to watch this movie took place over two nights. We all were falling asleep on the first night.

It is safe to say none of us were blown away by this movie.

I rate it "Eh."

I dunno. I know I was supposed to like it. It was one of those movies where people get a serious look on their face and ask, "Have you seen Million Dollar Baby?"


And then their eyes would get wide and their demeanor would get evn more serious.

"You should."

At least I wasn't making out during Schindler's List.


Blogger Paulette said...

I liked Cinderella Man with Russell Crowe better than Million Dollar Baby. As far as boxing movies go, that is.

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was late on the bandwagon to see MDB and could take it or leave it. Also looking forward to CM on DVD. I hear they may try to re-release it into theaters before it comes out on DVD.

BTW, if you see the Oxygen Network Original Series, BLISS - the first season, at your video store - ya might want to pick it up. It's erotic stories from a female perspective so even though there's lot's of sex you can't be labeled a dog by your spouse - this shit is specifically meant to erotize the female population...we watched the first of eight episodes last night and it turned out to be a great catalyst for the evenings later activities.

7:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BAH! If its a movie of the year winner its a snoozer.

What are you doing in the Twin Cities. Gotta hit the Mall of America. IT HAS A HOOTERS!


4:46 PM  
Blogger Andi said...

Note to self: I will mult-task at the same time whenever I finally watch Million Dollar Baby. I often watch or listen to TV and blog at the same time.

6:12 PM  
Blogger shy_smiley said...

the snow sure is pretty. Thanks for posting all those pictures so I can look at it, enjoy it, but don't have to LIVE in it.

It's finally cold in Southeastern Arizona. Yesterday's high was 54 degrees. We had to wear jeans and long-sleeved shirts!

I recently taught my four-year-old to sing (rap?) your lyric du jour. That maybe wasn't such a good idea.

I like Hilary Swank, and usually like Eastwood, too. Is MDB anything like Girlfight? Does Swank wail on Eastwood? Did you see The Beguiled? Those bitches sure wailed on Eastwood. Damn.

Enjoy Minneapolis. I hear the Mall of the Americas has some kind of Lego center. That's a must-see.

6:55 AM  
Blogger Bobby said...

Still haven't seen that one. I just didn't grab me. I like Morgan Freedman. I don't know.

It snowed here in DC the day before Thanksgiving, but it barely stuck.

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the FAN (WFAN in NYC address the reason why a top-rated boxer hasn't faced anyone inside the "Octagon"?

Because Don King is greasing beaucoup palms yo!

Ultimate fighting is mixed martial arts and more realistic than the Marquis of Queensbury rules.

Francois Butha of Germany is the only bloke I know that tried both.

He has 'nads son.

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

http://www.hover-it.comThe quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back in your wallet."Roger"java ads

6:55 PM  

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