Thursday, January 12, 2006

High desert skies are what I spy
So fly - you've got to wonder why
The stingrays must be fat this year
Moving slow in my lowest gear

I found this in the latest National Geographic:

A captive orca at Marineland park in Niagra Falls, Ontario, has learned a new trick.

He has learned to lure gulls to his pool so he can eat them. He regurgitates fish onto the water's surface, then lies in wait to gulp down the fish-hungry gulls.

The other killer whales at the park have also picked up the trick. The younger brother of the trick's originator was the first to imitate the gull-baiting behavior, and now all five whales at the park try their luck with the unsuspecting birds.


That is so cool, I don't even know where to begin.


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