...let's call the whole thing off.
I say tomato; you say tomahto.
I say potato; you say potahto.
Hmmmm. Let's analyze this further...
How about-
I speak English and you're an asshole.
It's tomato, you idiot.
Who says tomahto anyway?
Nobody, that's who.
I say potato; you say potahto.
Hmmmm. Let's analyze this further...
How about-
I speak English and you're an asshole.
It's tomato, you idiot.
Who says tomahto anyway?
Nobody, that's who.
Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Just an mental dialogue that should have stayed internal.
Do YOU know anyone who says toe-MAH-toe?
I think Richard Dawson from Family Feud would say toe-MAH-toe...just to be annoying. He's dead right?
I say toe-mah-toe !
It's ToMAYTO dammit! and Richard Dawson is still alive and well....
Alison, you get a pass... you're English.
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