Sunday, April 09, 2006

If I wasn't


8 figure nigga by the name of Jigga,
Would ya come around me?
Would ya clown me?

Yeah, well... whaddya gonna do?

You try and put your dogs in Ten-and-a-halves for a minute-and-a-half.

Mr. President, there's drugs in our residence.

Tell me what you want me to do.

Come break bread with us.

Mr. Governor, I swear there's a cover-up. Every other corner, there's a liquor store...

What the fuck is up?


As I whisper in your ear...

you inhale and wonder why

what who how where what can we do

you pray and you pray and you pray

just hoping it will go away

maybe maybe maybe it will

but i don't think so

neither do you

and we both know

but we pretend like

we don't

keeping the charade

dancing the dance

a fucking fox trot

but we know

the menace



staggers a bit

but that just shows you

how powerful

it can be


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you singing or reciting poetry at the end of this post?

Either way, don't.

6:56 PM  

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