Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The FCC won't let me be or let me be me so let me see, they tried to shut me down on MTV
But it feels so empty without me

Not much to report here.

Just running every day, dealing with existential angst over the Last Episode Before The Final 8 Episodes of The Sopranos.

A little excitement over Entourage and Deadwood help ease the angst, but let's face it... as good as those shows are, the Sopranos is the anchor.

I wonder if there will be another season of The Wire? That show had an outstanding run.

There are tenative plans, weather permitting, for some weekend adventure with Bells on Saturday, and then maybe some other hiking-type fun on Sunday.

There was to be some hiking-type fun this afternoon, but the weather is looking rather ominous.

My friends have been doing a lot of checking in with me lately, which is nice. Will Danger, Antwaan Randle El, T-Rex, Dan-O, JimmyD, Carp... it was good to hear from all of you this week.

I have to travel to Minneapolis, somewhat unexpectedly, for a couple days on the 19th.

It should be interesting, to say the least.

In the meantime, I will contemplate.

And ruminate.

And try to transubstantiate. You know, like Jesus.

Mostly, I will be trying to transubstantiate things I do not use into things I greatly covet.

Recently I found a bundt cake pan in our cupboard. I confirmed with India that we have never, ever baked a cake, much less a bundt cake.

I am focusing on transubstantiating that into a top-notch, full suspension mountain bike.

I have six really nice suits, thirty dress shirts and fifty ties that were put on hangers in Wisconsin over a year ago, and haven't been touched since last April or May.

I am trying to transubstantiate those into a whitewater kayak.

I have a Playstation 2 that I never play. I'd like to transubstantiate that into a driftboat or a raft.

And once that is all set, I am going to work on getting the water dispenser on my frig to deliver Guinness.

That's all I need.

I don't think I am asking too much.

I just want some Jesuspowers.

Just for a day.

And then when I have the mountain bike, the kayak, the driftboat and the endless Guinness, I'm done.

OK, if there's time I may take a run down the Gallatin river, just for kicks.


Blogger Gretchen said...

Minneapolis. My neck of the woods. Have fun.

If you need a bundt recipe, let me know.

11:38 AM  
Blogger tom said...

The thing about the Jesus powers is, you do get to save humanity from the fiery pits of perdition, cure lepers, and bring people back from the dead, but you also get crucified.

I don't think you want a kayak that bad.

11:10 AM  
Blogger Coach Ky said...

How much for the Playstation 2? And will you throw some ties in also?

Seriously though, how much for the playstation?

8:33 PM  

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