Saturday, June 17, 2006

Mother reads aloud, child tries to understand it, tries to make her proud

A few odds and ends that were lying around The Dude Abides HQ.

This link is to a memo. A memo sent by Matt Stone, the South Park guy, to the MPAA. The MPAA rates movies and the memo is concerning the South Park movie from a few years back. There was some wrangling going on about certain things in the movie.

I can just picture a conference room full of 60 year old guys in suits debating what to do with this movie.

The best part is the p.s.



Bozeman is building a $ 16 million dollar, state-of-the-art library. $ 5.85 million is from donations. The rest comes from a series of grants and bonding (taxes). It is a "green building," and only the second such building to be built in Montana.

When completed, it will be the jewel of downtown Bozeman.

I am proud to live in a community that is willing to invest so much in a library. As a nerdy, little kid, I spent a huge amount of time in the library, reading mystery after mystery.

As a nerdy, large adult, I still spend a lot of time reading.

I remain convinced that all the reading I did made me smart(ish).

I am certain all the reading I did resulted in eye-popping SAT and LSAT scores.

But I digress.

That is going to be one incredible library, expecially for a town this size.



The term "villager" simply doesn't apply to United States citizens.

Oh, we have villages, but we don't have "villagers."

(Don't ask me where this one came from... I found it underneath the ringer. You know, the one with Walter's dirty undies. Whites.)


White people with cornrows = asshats


I like chainsaws.


The resurgence of the "popped collar" is a very unfortunate fashion development.


A recent self portrait, taken by my niece, Lucy.


Blogger Eve Grey said...

i love that pic, looking up. cute!

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the poor sad black kid on Father's Day; remember:

"It takes a village!"

4:10 PM  

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