Friday, September 29, 2006

I fought the law, and the law won

From today's Bozeman Daily Chronicle Police Report:

- A couple was found having sex in a park on South Church Avenue.

- Graffiti was painted on the ramps at the Skate Park.

- A man on Bridger Canyon Road found a dead bird in his mailbox. He also found a dead fish in his mailbox several weeks ago.

- A person told deputies that suspicious people were in the area around Little Brrok Lane. The people were selling vaccuums.

- Two men were sword fighting in a parking lot on Main Street. They were using pieces of wood as swords.


If you find yourself driving across the country on I-90, and you're hungry or you need to pee... do NOT stop in Bozeman.

It is Not Safe Here.

Just hold it for a half hour.

Continue on to Livingston.

Pee there.

In safety.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got it, I've got it!


It's risque and not risque at the same time. Its negative and positive energies are perfectly in balance. There is a yin to its yang. With it, you will attract both the crunchy granola crowd and the magenta mohawk crowd, not to mention suspicious old men with suitcases and soccer moms having an affair with the guy in the entertainment furniture section at Best Buy.

How can you NOT use it??

11:48 AM  
Blogger DJ MotorCityMonk said...

Sorry - I'm stealing that one for my band!

12:01 PM  
Blogger Tanaya said...

Every time I read the police reports - I think of you. Did you see the one last year - "Man ticketed for reckless driving after erratic driving on I-90. He told officers he was watching a porn movie on the on board DVD." CLASSIC

Or my other recent personal favorite: "A N. 7th business owner called to complain that a guy walked in and defecated on the floor."

1:59 PM  
Blogger hotlipz said...

There is nothing more suspicious than a vaccuum salesman. And I strongly stand by that statement.

7:54 AM  

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