Sunday, January 21, 2007

Every picture tells a story, don't it?

So, I have been challenged lately, to throw some Words down.

Lay some stuff on you, see how we do.

Hmmm. Words.


Scalpel. Machete.

Depends what you wanna do.

And if the backbeat is right, we can sail into next Tuesday.

Ever seen a brain? You know how, from above, it looks like a bunch of slot canyons. And when the water flows in the desert like that, those slot canyons fill with rushing, freezing water.

It snowed some last night. Not enough, but it was good to see, nonetheless.

I was thinking about what a friend had said, and I was hoping it was lie. The thing is, you'll never really know.

Well, I hope you have a gracious, soulful Monday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it snowed in Tucson last night. Enough to stick. Crazy, Dude.

6:44 AM  

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