Monday, January 29, 2007

Oh you pretty things
Don't you know you're driving your
Mamas and papas insane

Looking for a fresh post?

I bet.

Me, too, in fact.

Except I am a bit differently situated than you.

See, we're both looking for a fresh post to brighten up a snowless winter Monday, but I am the one who has to pull th post out of my ass.

And I have that not-so-fresh feeling.

You could say I have a case of the Mondays.

And if you rewind a couple of lines, "Not So Fresh" would make a sweet name for a band.

Oh, you don't think so?

I googled "not so fresh" on google images and this came up in the pole position:

I guess Glen Danzig does exude a general lack of freshness, now that I think of it.

Anyway, I went to the dentist today. (Everything is cool. You can relax. My teeth are good. Thanks for caring.) When I sat down in the chair, the hygenist handed me a pair of wraparound shades.

That was a nice touch. It let me hide that solitary tear that I had to shed.

(Right now, everyone under the age of 32 is scratching their heads.)

((Conjunction Junction, what's your function?))

Honestly, this winter is horrific here. Everything off the tram is bulletbroof sheet glass. We need snow in a bad way. I need snow in a bad way. It is going to burn this summer.

I'm gonna have to move to Canada. Or Costa Rica. Or join the French Foreign Legion. But maybe I'll just start playing Dungeons and Dragons. Again.

I would prefer if it would just snow. A lot.

Screw it. I am going to bed.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:57 PM  
Blogger Paulette said...

", I'm just going to have to and ask you to go ahead and pull some more posts out of your ass..." (ow, sounds painful)

What's up with the wraparound glasses at the dentist's? Protection from flying debris? I just want mine to put a flat-screen TV on the ceiling so I have something to look at while they're working in there instead of just the funky ceiling tiles.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so was checking it all again
saw that pic of keith the richards
where would anybody get that?
anyway posts need some time?
take some time
it's not like you have to be anywhere really it?
yes the dentist can only wait so long before he/she goads you into thier little shop of horrors with thier fancy wrap arounds...but there is something darker happening there and you damn well know it....
glad you came out ok and not like the movie with charlie freakin' bronson and david kieth with that trapper that was killing all the mountain men for thier gold teeth
that is a dentrifical fiscal crisis
damn did i just write that after 4 (wis poored) oj and vodkas?
why yes...yes i did
later bro

12:28 AM  
Blogger Krisco said...

Move to New Mexico. We have snow up the wazoo.

9:36 PM  

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