Thursday, March 17, 2011

With the barkers and the colored balloons

I gave a seminar today, next town over, Livingston. It's about 30 miles up and over a mountain pass from Bozeman.

It was snowing hard all day long. I worked all damn day.

Spent some time talking about the effect of Japan's catastrophe.

Power point explanation of how money is made, over steak dinner and a cocktail

It was snowing hard enough that we drove 25 miles an hour over the pass.

The whole thing is somewhat repugnant, but, hey, who doesn't like money?

I was wearing my best suit and nice shoes, coughing and wondering why the fuck I am still making money off misery, again. (That's why I quit being a lawyer.)

Repugnant, like I said, but it's free money.

We flipped the short position into a long position on Japan and now will ride the inevitable upside wave.

I straighten my tie and ask myself if I can sleep at night. I won't really know until eye close my I's.

The rules are there, the game is set. If you could move your rook and checkmate, wouldn't you?

That is what I struggle with.

Christ, what a melancholy post.

Did I mention it has been dumping snow all day?

I feel myself coming down with rectal glaucoma.

I just can't see my ass coming into work tomorrow.

My doctor said this can't be cured below about 11,000 feet of elevation.

I gotta take the cure.

(edit: at work, 7:09 a.m., close japan long position, go back to guilt free investing in big oil, coal and sweatshops.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The doctor says rectal glaucoma to be cured by prostrate manipulation.


7:02 AM  
Blogger k-top said...

Well I see it has struck in MT as well as WI.

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some say the Barker reference is to the ranch where the Manson gang holed up near Death Valley after they did the "devil's work" in Laurel Canyon and Los Feliz.

Listen to "Revolution Blues" before you head up to meditation point again. The Dude abides in Pacific Palisades where the little man walks out of Dude's own house and kisses his feet until Dude records the little man's song "Cease to Exist".

Spooky shit what artistic frustration can do to a broken man; gets him willing Nothing rather than not willing at all.

Driving into Black Rock City one year I saw a sign that read: "Money is too expensive."

2:26 PM  

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