Gonna warm my bones
I got silence on my radio
Let the air waves flow
They do what they do.
Hit you high.
Hit you low.

I took that Sunday...
Which was one of those days, where things hit me low.

I almost got struck by lightning yesterday.
I was running.
When I turned East, toward the Bridgers, I ran into a 20 mph headwind.
I felt a charge in my left foot.
Then ligthning hit, about a half mile to my left.
It struck again, a half-second later, except much closer, right in front of me.
Both feet felt the charge, and my hair stood up.
They do what they do.
Hit you high.
Hit you low.

I took that Sunday...
Which was one of those days, where things hit me low.

I almost got struck by lightning yesterday.
I was running.
When I turned East, toward the Bridgers, I ran into a 20 mph headwind.
I felt a charge in my left foot.
Then ligthning hit, about a half mile to my left.
It struck again, a half-second later, except much closer, right in front of me.
Both feet felt the charge, and my hair stood up.