First, Happy Birthday to my sister, Liz. Rock out with your cock out, girlfriend.
I'm waiting on Quagmire, soon to be known as
Dr. Quagmire. Wait. He already has a Master's and a PhD, so he already is Dr. Quagmire.
But when he gets his M.D. can we call him
Dr. Dr. Quagmire?
I don't know, and I don't really care. For the next 7 days, he is Doctor Doctor.
Gimme the news.
I figured out a couple new songs on guitar while I was (am) waiting, "Gold Dust Woman," and "Personal Jesus," which is a Depeche Mode song, but I am doing it the Johnny Cash way because I do not own a synthesizer, nor, sadly, eyeliner and black, clunky boots.
So, anyway, they're done, they're down, and we'll probably knock 'em out on Christmas over at Bells'.
Hey, this is how we spent last Christmas.
((Click me, homeslice. Don't worry, it'll open in a new window, and y'all can come right on back here to see what I've got goin' on.))Anyway, Merry Christmas, duders.
Thanks for stopping by.
This picture is what prompted me to post. I wish I could say it was mine, but it came into my email box from a reader, T. It is a forwarded thing, and supposedly, it was taken in Alaska.
But who cares?
Look at this:
That's a Golden Eagle.
Badass, dude. Seriously badass.
Look at it!
Pretty awesome.
Hey, I got that helmet cam for a Christmas gift.
It straps on the top of my snowboard hemet and records video onto a 2 gb memory card. All I have to do is hit the button on top of my head and do something worth filming.
That's pretty badass. Maybe not Golden Eagle badass, but badass nonetheless.
(((How many times have I typed "badass?")))
Another good thing is that I got myself a new set of wheels and it has Sirius Radio.
I'm back in Stern's filthy womb and enjoying the all-rolling-stones-all-the-time channel which is one channel below Howard. That's as far as I have gotten, but it just might be all I need.
Anyway, take your silver spoon and dig your grave, fools.
I'm out.
Bacon grease.